ISI2021 Team

Information Infrastructure

Chair: Philip Schaer Educational Open Government Data in Germany The Landscape, Status, and Quality Cornelia Veja, Julian Hocker, Christoph Schindler, Marc Rittberger DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Germany Abstract This paper examines the educational datasets of Open Government Portals (OGPs)… Read More »Information Infrastructure

Emerging Technologies

Chair: Raphael Wimmer A Living Lab Architecture for Reproducible Shared Task Experimentation Timo Breuer, Philipp Schaer TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Germany Abstract No existing evaluation infrastructure for shared tasks currently supports both reproducible on- and offline experiments. In this work, we present… Read More »Emerging Technologies

Knowledge Representation

Chair: Jürgen Reischer The Benefits of RDF and External Ontologies for Heterogeneous Data: A case study using the Japanese Visual Media Graph Senan Kiryakos, Magnus Pfeffer Stuttgart Media University, Germany Abstract Across numerous fan created and curated websites, there exists a wealth of semantically rich… Read More »Knowledge Representation


Information Needs & Search Towards the identification of information needs in conversational searchdialogues Frummet, Alexander Information Behavior von unbegleiteten, minderjährigen Geflüchtetenunter Berücksichtigung der Rolle und Nutzung von Smartphones Dewitz, Leyla Der Einfluss des Verständnisses von Suchmaschinenwerbung auf das Rechercheverhalten am PC und am mobilen Endgerät:… Read More »Gerhard-Lustig-Award

Information Retrieval

Chair: Udo Kruschwitz (Un)bekannte Akteure auf der Suchergebnisseite? Ein Vergleich zwischen selbst eingeschätzter und tatsächlich vorhandener Suchmaschinenkompetenz deutscher InternetnutzerInnen Sebastian Schultheiß, Dirk Lewandowski Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Department of Information Abstract Kommerzielle Suchmaschinen sind ein wichtiges Rechercheinstrument für den Wissenserwerb in der Gesellschaft. Es… Read More »Information Retrieval

Digital Humanities

Chair: Florian Meier SentText: A Tool for Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis in Digital Humanities Thomas Schmidt, Johanna Dangel, Christian Wolff Media Informatics Group, University of Regensburg Abstract We present SentText, a web-based tool to perform and explore lexicon-based sentiment analysis on texts, specifically developed for the… Read More »Digital Humanities


Processes of Classification & Evaluation Detection and Identification of Fake News: Binary Content Classificationwith Pre-Trained Language Models Schütz, Mina Design and Development of an Emoji Sentiment Lexicon Haak, Fabian Reflektive vs. intuitive Ästhetikwahrnehmung von Homepages Lange, Neele