The 16th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2021) will be held as a virtual event in March 2021. We are working hard on offering exciting formats for virtual interchange.
Please register for ISI 2021 by using the provided links below. Additionally, registration for the following events are now available. Please register for any event you wish to attend. Participation in the symposium and in all events is free of charge.

International Symposium on Information Sciences (ISI 2021)
Participation in the symposium is free of charge. Please use eventbrite to register for the 16th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2021) via the following link: eventbrite ISI 2021
Currenty, we are still working on the symposium’s final progam. The finished program will be published shortly.
VR/AR Lab Tour
Participation in this virtual event is free of charge. Please use eventbrite to register for our VR/AR Lab Tour:

We invite you to accompany us on a virtual walk through our VR/AR lab.
Besides exciting possibilities of research with and around VR/AR, we will introduce you to our state-of-the-art motion capturing system.
Please visit eventbrite to register for this event, using the above button.
Additional information about this event will be provided on this page and via eventbrite as soon as possible.
Eye Tracking Classroom Tour
Participation in this virtual event is free of charge. Please use eventbrite to register for our Eye Tracking Classrom Tour:

We invite you to accompany us on a virtual walk through our Eye Tracking Classrom.
Besides exciting possibilities of research with and around eye tracking in the educational context, we will introduce you to our state-of-the-art eye tracking system.
Please visit eventbrite to register for this event, using the above button.
Additional information about this event will be provided on this page and via eventbrite as soon as possible.
eXpress Your Research Workshop
Participation in this virtual event is free of charge. Please use eventbrite to register for the eXpress Your Research Workshop:
As complexity increases, so does the challenge of successfully communicating scientific research approaches and results. The ability to communicate science is especially crucial when it comes to leveraging acquired knowledge and developed technologies and putting them into practice.
The workshop enables scientists to communicate their research in a generally understandable and to the point way and to present it using design-based methods. The transformation of (theoretical) research topics, questions and solution approaches into design prototypes opens up new perspectives and makes it possible to make ideas and solution approaches comprehensible to non-specialist actors at an early stage of research. The scientists learn to ask the right questions to their research and the other participants and receive valuable feedback.
Further training in individual science communication for scientists: How does one communicate one’s own research in a generally understandable way and become linguistically capable for a wide variety of target groups?
Target group
PhD students from various disciplines which ideally already have first results.
Content of this workshop
- Transfer opportunities
- Storytelling to communicate one’s own research
- Prototyping (also for theoretical research)
- Exercises in interdisciplinary groups: Communication strategies, transfer or exploitation possibilities the individual research topics.
Benefits for scientists
- Getting to know methods for creating haptic prototypes (also for theoretical research)
- Getting to know creative techniques for daily work
- Developing successful storytelling for communicating your own research
- Feedback from research and practice
- Enabling the exchange with society, politics and economy about the own research
Benefits for research organization
- Scientists are sensitized to the communication of their research and are able to communicate this to business representatives and society
- Improved exchange with other stakeholders can initiate business collaborations, uncover unrecognized utilization options, and promote cross-innovation
- The objects promote exchange within the research organization and stimulate discussion
Please visit eventbrite to register for this event, using the above button.
Additional information
- Registration is possible until Friday 5.11.
- Worksheets and preparation instructions will be provided via e-mail
- Workshop will be held in German
Social Events
Participation in this virtual events is free of charge. Please use eventbrite to register for the social events:

We invite you to accompany us on our virtual social event. The social event includes a get-together, the poster/demo sessions and the award ceremony of the Gehard Lustig Prize.
Please visit eventbrite to register for this event, using the above button.
Additional information about this event will be provided on this page and via eventbrite as soon as possible.