
Information between Data and Knowledge.
Information Science and its Neighbors from Data Science to Digital Humanities
MARCH 8 -10, 2021
The 16th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2021) will be held as a virtual event in March 2021. We are working hard on offering exciting formats for virtual interchange.
The organizers invite submissions addressing the overall conference theme of “Information between Data and Knowledge. Information Science and its Neighbors from Data Science to Digital Humanities”.
The current trend towards digital transformation, data science, and artificial intelligence offers challenges and opportunities for information science:
How will information science be affected by the current interest in data?
How will information services be transformed by innovative applications based on artificial intelligence and machine learning?
How is information science related to the ongoing developments in data science, the digital humanities as well as in other fields (e.g. Legal Tech, Fin Tech, Reg Tech, Computational Social Science)?
What new literacies (data literacy, algorithm literacy) are necessary and what is their connection with information literacy?
At ISI 2021, we invite contributions discussing the above questions in the light of new data-driven technologies and interaction models. Papers and other submissions on the above questions and / or the following topics, but also those which cover any subject in the broader field of information science including neighboring disciplines such as archival science, computer science, economics, law, library science, linguistics, political science and administration, psychology or social science are invited:
Designing information systems and spaces:
- Digital collections – big data, small data
- Domain-specific information systems
- Information infrastructures, virtual research environments
- Information organization and access
- Social web, collaborative media
- User interfaces
- Visualization
Analyzing information systems and spaces:
Information behavior
Data analytics
Data, information and algorithm literacy
Bibliometrics, scientometrics & altmetrics
Quality management and evaluation
User experience & usability studies
Impact of information systems and spaces on research and society:
Digital humanities
E-Learning, E-Science
E-Society, E-Culture, E-Commerce
Globalization of information processes
Information professions and professionalization
Internationalization of information and knowledge
Open Science, open access, open education, open innovation, open-source
Algorithm bias
Re-use and sustainability of (research) data
In addition, reflections on the global Covid-19 crisis-related information science and the above systematic perspectives (design, analysis, impact) are very welcome!
The primary conference language is German and German and English submissions are expected. The conference tool EasyChair will be used for all submission types unless otherwise specified. A style sheet and guidelines for submissions will be provided. Doctoral students are encouraged to present their research in a special session. The following types of contributions may be submitted:
- Long papers (max. 7000 words)
- Short papers – research / work in progress (max. 3000 words)
- Posters / Demo / Clip (max. 1000 words)
- Panel suggestions (max. 1000 words)
- Doctoral thesis presentations (max. 3000 words)
There is also a special call for the Gerhard Lustig Master Thesis Award.