Chair: Jürgen Reischer
The Benefits of RDF and External Ontologies for Heterogeneous Data:
A case study using the Japanese Visual Media Graph
Senan Kiryakos, Magnus Pfeffer
Stuttgart Media University, Germany
Across numerous fan created and curated websites, there exists a wealth of semantically rich descriptive data for a variety of Japanese visual media, such as anime, manga, and video games. The amount and granularity of these data makes it valuable for domain researchers, but the semantic heterogeneity and lack of interconnectedness makes analysis cumbersome. Seeking to address this issue, the Japanese Visual Media Graph (JVMG) project aims to create a type of global database built using RDF and external ontologies to better enable data-driven research in the domain. We discuss the benefits this approach has when compared to the local relational databases used at the fan-sites, such as enabling the easy creation of aggregate resources using data from multiple providers, and the ability to constantly update and alter a schema over time. This encourages the incorporation of additional data in the future, while still maintaining rich data semantics and provenance. While many of the benefits are discussed in the context of the JVMG project or the Japanese visual media domain, we discuss how this database approach may be similarly advantageous to other projects that seek to create aggregate resources, or collect heterogeneous data from diverse sources.
Keywords: ontology-based data access; semantic heterogeneity; knowledge graph; fan-curated data; digital humanities
Short Paper
Information Organization and Access in Digital Humanities:
TaDiRAH revised, formalized and FAIR
Luise Borek1, Canan Hastik2, Vera Khramova3, Klaus Illmayer4, Jonathan D. Geiger5
1Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; 2DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Germany; 3University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 4Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; 5Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz, Germany
Classifying and categorizing the activities that comprise the digital humanities (DH) has been a longstanding area of interest for many practitioners in this field, fueled by ongoing attempts to define the field both within the academic and public sphere. Several European initiatives are currently shaping advanced research infrastructures that would benefit from an implementation of a suiting taxonomy. Therefore, new humanities and information science collaborations have been formed to provide a service that meets their needs. This working paper presents the transformation of the Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (TaDiRAH) in order to make it machine-readable and become a formalized taxonomy. This includes the methodology and realization containing a complete revision of the original version, decisions in modelling, the implementation as well as organization of ongoing and future tasks. TaDiRAH addresses a wide range of humanities disciplines and integrates application areas from philologies as well as epigraphy, and musicology to name just a few. For this reason, the decision in favor of SKOS was made purely pragmatically in terms of technology, concept and domains. New language versions can now be easily integrated and low-threshold term extensions can be carried out via Wikidata. The new TaDiRAH not only represents a knowledge organization system (KOS) which has recently been released as version 2.0. According to the FAIR principles this new version improves the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of research data and digital assets in the digital humanities.
Keywords: taxonomy, digital humanities, linked open data, knowledge organization
Short Paper
Vom Datenkatalog zum Wissensgraph – Forschungsdaten im konzeptuellen Modell von FRBR
Ingo Frank
Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Deutschland
Die Beschreibung von Forschungsdaten im Bereich des Forschungsdatenmanagements ist oft ungenau, unvollständig oder nicht konsistent bzw. leidet unter einer nicht konsequent durchgeführten Metadatenkuration. Der Beitrag stellt einen bibliotheks- und informationswissenschaftlich motivierten Ansatz vor, wie Metadaten über Forschungsdaten mit Hilfe des konzeptuellen Modells von FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) verbessert werden können. Das konkrete Ziel dabei ist die Konstruktion eines Wissensgraphen, der FRBRisierte Metadaten aus einem Datenkatalog mit Metadaten aus einem Bibliothekskatalog sowie mit Forschungsinformation integriert. Die Methode baut auf einem Datenkatalog mit einem auf DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary) und Disco (DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary) basierenden Anwendungsprofil als Metadatenschema auf. Die Metadaten im Datenkatalog werden mit SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language) validiert und dienen somit als Grundlage für die FRBRisierung zum Aufbau des Wissensgraphen mit FaBiO (FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology) als FRBR-basiertem Datenmodell. Die FRBRisierten und integrierten Metadaten im Wissensgraphen unterstützen schließlich aufgrund der besseren Metadatenqualität und der Vorgehensweise zur Verlinkung von Entitäten aus Datenkatalog, Bibliothekskatalog und Forschungsinformationssystem insbesondere die Versionierung und Provenienzinformation von Forschungsdaten und nicht zuletzt auch die Datenzitation. Der FRBRisierungsansatz trägt dadurch zur Verbesserung des Information Retrieval in Discovery-Systemen für Forschungsdaten bei.
Keywords: Forschungsdatenmanagement; FRBR; Informationsintegration; Wissensgraphen; Metadatenqualität; Digital Humanities; Forschungsdateninfrastruktur
Short Paper
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Track 1