Information Behavior & Information Literacy 1

Chair: Elke Greifeneder

What is information literacy and how to improve it?

Joachim Griesbaum, Daphné Çetta, Thomas Mandl, Elke G. Montanari

University of Hildesheim, Germany


Information literacy is a controversially discussed topic with heterogeneous definitions. In the context of a project on “Information Literacy and Democracy” in Germany, 21 experts from diverse scientific backgrounds submitted position papers in which the authors provided their perspectives on the following questions: What is information literacy? How to foster information literacy? What are the central developments in the field of information literacy? What other aspects are relevant? Based on document analysis, this contribution unites the core messages of the 19 position papers for an international audience. Such a combined view of 21 experts from diverse scientific backgrounds is rather scarce. By merging the views of many experts and transcending disciplinary borders, this paper hopes to make a small contribution to stimulate multidisciplinary discussions on information literacy and corresponding approaches to improve it.

Keywords: information literacy; multidisciplinary; experts; document analysis

Long Paper


Der Zusammenhang von Tweet-Eigenschaften und wahrgenommener Wissenschaftlichkeit

Athanasios Mazarakis1, Isabella Peters1, Jasmin Schmitz2

1 ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft und Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; 2 ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften


Der Beitrag berichtet die Ergebnisse einer Proof-of-Concept-Studie zur wahrgenommenen Wissenschaftlichkeit von Tweets. Im Rahmen eines online durchgeführten Experiments wurden Proband_innen in einem Fragebogen manuell thematisch-kategorisierte Tweets aus einer Tweetsammlung zur Bewertung vorgelegt, die aus medizinischen Hashtags generiert wurden. Es wurde ermittelt, welche Eigenschaften und Themen von Tweets einen Einfluss auf ihre wahrgenommene Wissenschaftlichkeit haben. Die Ergebnisse beruhen auf einer Analyse von 162 klassifizierten Tweets in deutscher und englischer Sprache und ihrer Bewertung durch 109 deutschsprachige Proband_innen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen unter anderem, dass Tweets mit vielen Hashtags eher als „nicht wissenschaftlich” wahrgenommen werden. Eindeutig zugeordnet wurden von Proband_innen solche Tweets, die sich mit den Kategorien „Methodik“, „Job“ und „Spaß“ beschäftigen, wobei nur zur ersteren Kategorie zugehörige Tweets überwiegend als „wissenschaftlich” bezeichnet wurden.

Keywords: Wahrgenommene Wissenschaftlichkeit, Social Media, Twitter, Informationsverhalten

Short Paper

The Influence of Multilingualism and Mutual Intelligibility on Wikipedia Reading Behaviour

A Research Proposal

Florian Meier

Science, Policy and Information Studies Department of Communication and Psychology Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark


Given the important role of Wikipedia in our everyday lives, a better understanding of how language skills affect Wikipedia usage is needed. If content is not available in a reader’s native language or a language that she can readily understand, access barriers and knowledge gaps are created, threatening Wikimedia’s goal to create knowledge equity among all its projects and their consumers. This article argues for research on the effects of multilingualism and mutual intelligibility on Wikipedia reading behaviour, focusing on the Nordic countries, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Initial exploratory analysis shows that while residents of these countries use the native language editions quite frequently, they rely strongly on English Wikipedia, too. Research questions and methods for future work in this area are presented.

Keywords: Multilingualism; Mutual Intelligibility; Information Behaviour; Wikipedia

Short Paper

From Information Literacy to Data Literacy Education

A case study from Switzerland

Vera Husfeldt, Sharon Alt

University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland


Data literacy is considered a key competence for responsible, mature citizens of the 21st century. In this poster the interrelatedness of information literacy and data literacy is addressed. It then elaborates on how universities can make their students fit in dealing with data and information using the example of a new research project about the development of open educational resources to promote data literacy at Swiss universities. Thirteen universities work together in a unique cooperation to promote the key competence data literacy among university teachers and students. The project aims to ensure responsible, critical, ethical and sustainable handling of data during university education and builds upon existing initiatives to promote data literacy (e.g., by he Stifterverband in Germany).

Keywords: information literacy; data literacy; digital skills; future skills; OER; OEP.


Event Timeslots (1)

Track 1